Showing posts with label islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label islam. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Assalamu Alaikum,

I just read a post about a young muslima who have not told her parents about her being muslim. She covers her head sometimes, and not all the time. This is not a story that is new to me, or that I haven't heard, but one that I cry at.

We are Muslims. We are not kaffrs. We are the chosen people. We were giving the qur'an-THE TRUTH. When we testify to the shahada we are muslims. Our lives change. Our lifestyle change. Our clothing change(muslimahs). Our friends change. Who we are change. Its not good enough to recite the shahada and call it quits. No, its deeper.

ALLAHSWT tells us in the qur'an that we will be tested with everything dear to us(family, wealth, job, and children,etc). He continues to say, "Do you think you will not be tested like the people before you?". Subhan'ALLAH. As Muslims, we are tested everyday of our lives. Do you think this life is about happiness and bliss? No. We are tested to prove our love to ALLAH. WE are tested to gain the pleasure of ALLAH.

Sisters, you put your hijab on and cover yo naked body. Brothers, wear your beard and do not cut it for it is fard and not sunnah. The ProphetSAW tells the brothers to, "trim the mustache and keep the beard (bukhari)". This is a command from ALLAHSWT! Brothers, keep those beards.

We have to stand firm upon this deen of ALLAHSWT. The qur'an tells us that this dunya(this world) is nothing but amusement and play. ALLAHSWT warns us of this. He tells us this in clear english for the english speaking people. Why do you not take heed?

I am a convert myself and know the struggle. Wallahi, I do, but you must not give up because you are a Muslim. Stand strong and practice the deen as ALLAHSWT commanded of you.

Hold firm to the rope of ALLAH? DO you take your parents dearer than ALLAH? Do you take your wealth dearer than ALLAH? Do you take that job dearer to ALLAH? Fear him, but hold close to him!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Walaa and Baraa: Love and Hate for the sake of ALLAH

Assalamu Alaikum,

Love is an aspect of Islam

Hate is an aspect of Islam. We must hate for the sake of ALLAH. What do I mean? You must hate what ALLAHSWT has forbid.

La Ilaha Illallah negates the fact that you believe there is no God,but ALLAH and only ALLAHSWT can give you good and evil.

And [know that] if God should touch thee with misfortune, there is none who could remove it save Him; and if He intends good for thee, there is none who could turn away His bounty: He causes it to alight upon whomsoever He wills of His servants. And He alone is truly forgiving, truly a dispenser of grace (10:107)

ISLAM IS THE ONLY WAY OF LIFE and there WILL NOT be ANY CHRISTIANS, JEWS, HINDUS, ATHIESTS in Heaven according to the interpretation of the meaning:

"Whoever seeks after a Religion other than Islaam, never will it be accepted from him, and in the Hereafer he will be one of the loosers." [Soorah Aal-'Imraan 3:85

We must not use a FATWA that goes against ALLAH's commands. For example: Many women try looking for a fatwa that allows them to pluck or shave their eyebrows. We must not take our husbands, kid, jobs, and wealth as being our god!

"And of mankind there are those who take others besidesAllaah as rivals to Allaah. They love them as they should love Allaah." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:165

Allah tells us in the Qur'an that we should not be friends with the disbelievers:

O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and Christians for friends. They are Awliyaa(friends) to each other. And the one among you that turns to them is one of them. Indeed, Allah guides not an unjust people.” (5:51)

AllahSWT continues to tell us that WE MUST HATE the kuffar for his sake:

“You will not find any people that believe in Allah and the Last Day loving those who oppose Allah and his Messenger (s.a.w.), even though they were their fathers, sons, brothers, or relatives….” (58:22)

Finally, its important that we love our fellow sisters and brothers in Islam:

The Believers, men and women, are protectors, one of another,” (9:71

When one takes the shahada, La Illaha IllALLAH, then one negates that there is another god, and we affirm that there is NO GOD, BUT ALLAH and that we believe that MuhammadSAW is the last Prophet of God.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Assalamu Alaikum and peace and blessings be upon you,

I am up right now listening to Qur'an, so alhumdulilah I am calm and at ease.

I believe Islam is really beautiful and its a calm and peaceful place in a loud and angry world.

Islam derives from the word "salam" which means peace...Masha'ALLAH.

Islam is this way of life that gives clarity to everything.

I couldn't imagine myself going back to the way of life in which I felt was without structure.

Islam gives you a sense of peace and calmness.

It just reminds me of how I put on the scarf each and every day and know that its one of the hardest things to do....but I do it for the Creator. Its hard. When majority of the women around you don't wear it...its like "OH MY GOSH, WHAT AM I DOING?". Sometimes we must remember that Islam started as something strange and will return as something strange.

I love the fact that whenever you see a sister or brother its like "Assalamu Alaikum". Its nice to hear that. It brings a sense of unity throughout the Ummah.

I don't know what else to say. When your life isn't in the best condition or when you're going through alot....Islam always give you a place to go. We all go through tests, but its up to us to decide how to take it. We can give up and fail our tests or we can be strong and get through it with minor cuts and bruises.

I feel like posting a YOUTUBE lecture, so I will, insha'ALLAH!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Who is number 1 on YOUR LIST?

Assalamu Alaikum,

I am really trying to keep myself on the diin because its very important. I believe that Muslims should always respect others in their faith, and to expect that from others. In understanding our diin, we should learn how to understand the meaning of being Muslim.

When we put our Lord as number one on our list then we are good...we can conquer the world like that.

Today, I have been on Youtube just looking at lectures, and its so many great ones out there. Alhumdulilah, its fabulous.

When I don't go to the mesjid then I can get up on my diin!!!

Alhumdulilah, this is most important for me and myself.

Yes, I may get off track sometimes, but alhumdulilah I keep in mind who is most important and that is ALLAH.

Subhan'ALLAH, we must put Islam first on our list and let everything else fall into place.