Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pillars of Islam

Assalamu Alaikum,

Islam is a beautiful way of life and I wouldn't change it. In my job as a dai'yee, or a Muslima, I believe its wajib to educate others on Islam.

What are the 5 Pillars of this Din?

1. Declare the Shahada "This is no god, but Allah and Muhammad is his slave and messenger"
2. To Pray 5 times a day
3. To fast during Ramadan
4. To Give Charity or Zakat
5. To take Hajj, or the pilgrimage to Mekkah if you can financially!

Through these 5 essential pillars of Islam we will gain Iman, or faith in our Lord. We will begin to learn more and more about our Din. When we become further along in our din, our iman strengthens and we begin having Qur'an on our tongues. We begin to become the ghuraba-the stranger. We began to understand ourselves and our Lord.

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