Friday, March 26, 2010

The True Believer and their Belief in ALLAHSWT

Assalamu Alaikum wa Warahmatullahi wa Baraktuh,

Its been a long time since I have been on here, but insha'ALLAH, I will begin doing things a little more differently.

As Muslims, the saying of, "There is no god, but ALLAH and Muhammad is the messenger and Prophet" is simple, but what does it really mean?

When we take shahada, we must learn how to OBEY Allah and His Messenger. The truth is...this takes SUBMISSION.

Sometimes Muslims-BORN OR CONVERT do not understand this. This means that EVERYTHING that layed out in HIS book and the Sunnah must be obeyed.

Sometimes we want to question why some things are, but this is not our concerns.

The Qur'an tells us that the believer must not question what AllahSWT has decreed for him. Listen to that!

Sometimes, we are so focused on understanding, but ALLAH is Most-KNOWLEDGABLE. He is not like me and you.

We question why we can't listen to music, or why we can't date or etc. This is none of our concern as in why we can't do this or that.....

I am learning this as I progress further in Islam. I'm great at asking questions, but what about listening to the answer and taking it for what it is.

Sure, we all can go to different classes at the mesjid, but do we implement and take those lessons and use them?

Sometimes we believe that simply wearing hijab or a beard is it, but it isn't?

Our faith in ALLAHSWT goes much further. Its more than praying and fasting. Its much deeper, and insha'ALLAH, I hope many of you can understand this.

What does it mean to be Muslim? What does it mean to understand our Lord? What does it mean to love Allah and his messenger?

The True Believer is one who lays asides his doubts and concerns and have FAITH in ALLAH. The True believer is patient,and dependent ONLY on Allah.

Wa Alaikum Salaam


  1. MashaAllah. May Allah grant u jannah for this sister. :)

  2. Mashallah what a great reminder for all of us.
    Ameen ya rab.
