Saturday, June 26, 2010

Become Strong Sisters and Form a Sisterhood

Assalamu Alaikum sisters,

Its very important that we become stronger in iman, or our faith in ALLAH. We must learn true Tawheed, or the belief in the oneness of ALLAH and about the Sunnah. As Muslimas, we must build ourselves up and build up the sisters we have around us. There is a huge percentage of Muslims that have fallen from the Qur'an and Sunnah, and its about time we change that.

Grab a hold of your other sisters, and become strong in this deen of ALLAH!

Allah says in the interpretation of the meaning:

”The men and women from among the believers are friends of each other. They call the people towards goodness and piety and abstain from evil and transgression. They uphold the prayer, pay the poor-rate (zakaat) and obey Allah and His Prophet (s.a.w.s.). Indeed, these are the ones for whom Allah shall soon manifest His mercy and grace. Verily Allah is all-powerful, and the most wise.”
(Ale Imran : 71)

Subhan'ALLAH sisters! Subhan'ALLAH! We should form our sister hoods in every neighborhood and mesjid. We must guide our daughters, mothers, aunts, cousins, and etc into this sisterhood of AL-Islam.

Do not lose your sister to this dunya. Pull her up with you! Help her as you help yourself! Always keep you and your sister in the remembrance of ALLAH!

Insha'ALLAH, I want every sister to know that this dunya, or this world is nothing compared to the hereafter. WE must prepare for our last day, last hour, and last breath. Subhan'ALLAH, allow yourself to see your sisters!!

Build a FIRM relationship to your sisters, and hold onto them!

Wa alaikum salaam!

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