Monday, June 7, 2010

Stop Posting Up Personal Information

Assalamu Alaikum,

I haven't posted in a while, but alhumdulilah, I am back.

Sisters, you have to stop posting up personal information on the internet. Posting up your personal information is none of anyone else's business. This does not just apply to blogging sites, but Facebook, Myspace, Xanga, Twitter, or etc. This is not the way of the ProphetSAW or his companions. The bottomline is that no one wants to know,and this only allows people to be all up in your business. For example: If you go telling your girl-friends about you and your husband love life then that sister may get jealous, and may begin wanting your husband, so the next time you come home you see her in your living room as being his other wife. This is very true. Many sisters forget how harmful it is to post up their personal information. Not only this, but sisters we shouldn't be posting up our pictures on the internet without covering ourselves and without hijab. What is this? Many sisters on the internet are taking off their hijabs and clothes. Why are we naked? Subhan'ALLAH, fear ALLAH!

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