Monday, February 8, 2010


Assalamu Alaikum,

Last night was the Superbowl for the USA. The superbowl is a huge time for two great teams to go against each other in Football.

Also, while this is occuring...I had a Superbowl party. Actually, my mom had a superbowl party.

My birthday was yesterday also. I don't celebrate my bday because I know that it isn't of ISLAM. My parents know this and its not a big deal to me. I haven't celebrated my bday in a long time. Its been a long time. Becfore I came into islam I hadn't celebrated it because it was something younger kids would do.

Insha'ALLAH, I hoped that nothing would come up. My aunt bought cupcakes for my bday and everyone sang to me. Insha'ALLAH, It was something I didn't like, but I enjoyed the fact that everyone was happy for me. It was something that was profitable also. I recieved cash. Insha'ALLAh, its something nice.

Its hard when your family is into doing things a certain way, but insha'ALLAH, things will get better.


  1. That was sweet of them. Sweet to respect your wishes to not have a flat-out celebration, but sweet to want to throw something in for you at the same time. At least your birthday was not celebrated as a religious event and that would really be against Islam in a big way.

  2. Assalamu Alaikum sis,

    Yes, it was special to me because they didn't go off saying things that would deem as being rude and inconsiderate.
