Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What Does It Mean To Be A Muslima?

Assalamu Alaikum,

I must say that being a Muslima is something special. Many people don't know this, but it is.

When I hear people talk about "feminism" its something I don't really need to worry about. I took a women's studies course last semester and it opened my eyes to women globally. Thats why part of my blog is called "feminist muslima". Its like a contradiction. We, as Muslimas, have had rights granted to us before any WESTERN CIVILIZATION...alhumdulilah.

An Islamic teacher told me that we, as Muslimas, do not need feminism because Islam already liberated us. This is so true.

Alright, as a Muslima, we have the hijab or niqab. Hijab and niqab is something that allows a woman's beauty to be kept sacred and to herself. Its something that allows a woman to keep what is hers to herself. I don't need to look like a magazine models or women on ads.

I am a Muslima. I am a Muslima. I am a Muslim Woman that is happy to be of Islam.

Islam liberated me. Islam freed me. Islam showed me the Truth in being female.

A woman in Islam is a queen. She truly is. She do not have to work. She is an individual with rights. She is her own.



  1. I LOVE BEING A MUSLIMA TOO! Luv u sis :)

  2. Salam alakyum,
    mashaAllah what a beautiful post :) I love being a Muslima!

  3. another fabulous post! i have to declare it as well :D i love being a muslimah!

  4. I think it's even *more* important to be a feminist when we area Muslimah because of the rights we are SUPPOSED to have in Islam that are often taken from us. So that fight for our rights is so important.

  5. Candice, our rights as women cannot be taken away from us in Islam. Sure, a government can take away the rights that they may have given to individuals, but in Islam our rights are God-Given and no one can take them away. Our rights as being a citizen in a particular governmnet can be taken away but in Islam, we have rights forever.

  6. They aren't taken away by Islam, of course. But there are lots of Muslims taking our rights from us in the name of Islam and it's important to fight for what is our's, given to us by Islam. How can Muslimas have so much in their religion and have so little in reality sometimes? It's appalling.

  7. Candice, its so true. I can't agree any more. So many Muslimas are suffering from gov'ts and patriarchal societies. If i didn't have society, atleast I know I would still have rights. Thats the beauty of Islam.
